Blog's name

Why I wanted to name the blog "Error.Exe?!" and why it was a bad idea


If you know anything about software, tech or coding, you might be asking youself:

What’s with the title? Error? Exe? do you know anything about tech?!

Well, exactly. I didn’t know anything. Here’s the story:

Context: I just graduated highschool, scoring 98.4% (pretty decent). And the extent of my knowledge of computers was probably the many games I’ve played up to that point, and the scam tutorials I followed to boost my ping by typing magic commands in the terminal… yeah 😅. I was walking with my best friend who was a computer engineering freshmen at the time (we’ll call him Mo).

Mo: coding is fun. Been working on this web project lately (bro was probably writing HTML 🙂), but I’m kinda stuck with an error.

Jafar: yeah? ErrorExe probably, wait… or is it Exe404?… 😐

Mo: you mean a 404Error? 😂

Jafar: yeah, that 😂

Mo: and you were considering to go study computer engineering?!

And here I am, a computer engineering gradute. We still laugh about it to this day. I’d like to think that those conversation’s with Mo - either directly or indirectly - were the reason I went ahead and majored in Tech. And I’m very happy were I am. So I found it appropriate to name my first blog with something from that past.

“ErrorExe” will stick with me for as long as I code.

Why I changed the name

Seeing the word “error” when first enter a website confused too many people, and ultimately, the “error” doesn’t really have a positive ring to it 🙂


Nothing specific is yet in mind. Projects, solutions to annoying problems are the first things that came to me. But I might consider writing about myself outside of tech as well.

time will tell…

Reasons for starting

The idea started with me wanted to document my journey as a developer. And for the blog to be kind of like a big “about me” page, to increase my chances of landing a good job.

But outside of that, I wanted to write. I believe writing will teach me a lot and help improve the way I articulate my thoughts. And hopefully I’ll aslo be able to teach someone something as well and make some friends, that’d be nice.


Inspirations for this blog were the following awesome engineers and their own respective blogs.

Dan Abramov ▪️ Colin Hacks ▪️ Takuya Matsuyama

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